Grace Hopper on Letterman

Some heavy gratitude to John Feminella (@jxxf), Jeff Roberson (@jeffroberson), and @snipeyhead for sharing their inspiring conversation via twitter today that turned me onto this incredible clip.

More Gratitude for Postman and McLuhan

Neil Postman (March 8, 1931 – October 5, 2003) was an American author, media theorist and cultural critic, who was associated with NYU for forty years. He wrote countless articles, papers and seventeen books. Though my personal favorite is Teaching as a Subversive Activity, Neil is best known for his 1985 book about television, Amusing…

Changing without changing

Many of us make great sacrifice to avoid it. Laws are written and put into place to stymy it. Large, expensive buildings are built to protect against it. Minds are made up against it and reject ideas that even hint at it. Blockades of all sorts are built against potential outcomes that may lead to…

The Future of UI

Human interface devices are keyboards, mice and screens, things that allow us to give and get information to and from computers. Combined with how software allows us to interact with machines, this is known as User Interface. For the last 70 years or so, User Interfaces have stayed more or less the same. That is…

Cure for the Common Algorithm: True Curation

Curation is fundamental to how we process messages in the world. There is simply just too much information to process without filtering it for content and quality. Curating it. We curate all over the place. Social networks are among the most well-known of curation tools. That is coming under some threat, however. Twitter is now…

Amazing Grace Hopper

Grace Murray Hopper was born on December 9, 1906. Before she passed away on January 1, 1992, “Amazing Grace” made significant contributions to the way we use computers today. The Hour of Code, a part of Computer Science Education Week, is held in her honor each year. Grace was a pioneering American computer scientist who…

MakerBot Academy is coming to a school near you

The President, during a State of the Union, does rally the troops to begin the next industrial revolution. The launch of MakerBot Academy may indeed be an attempt to realize President Obama’s urge to: “ensure that the Next Industrial Revolution in manufacturing will happen in America.” The plan is pretty simple, and already underway, from…

The blog is back

After a couple of years of just letting Twitter dump schwack into it, only human-considered and hand-written articles will be once again posted into this thing. It’s good to be back to something that is only rarely considered nowadays amidst all the cross-posted, scheduled, or otherwise automated tools. Perhaps, one day our children will revert…

Tabula Rasa

From Wikipedia: Tabula rasa is the epistemological thesis that individuals are born without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from experience and perception. Generally proponents of the tabula rasa thesis favour the “nurture” side of the nature versus nurture debate, when it comes to aspects of one’s personality, social and emotional behaviour, and…

Cold War

I love the unfettered, personal nature of this:

Pigs on the Wing

Part 1 If you didn’t care what happened to me, And I didn’t care for you, We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain Occasionally glancing up through the rain. Wondering which of the buggars to blame And watching for pigs on the wing. Part 2 You know that I care what…

Swim Until You Can’t See Land

We salute at the threshold of the North Sea in my mind And a nod to the boredom that drove me here to face the tide and swim (Whoaaaa) I swim (Whoaaa) oh swim (Whoaaa) Dip the toe in the ocean. Oh how it hardens and it numbs. And the rest of me is a…

Behind the Scenes: WIND

Behind the scenes with the Exploratorium, A Curious Summer and Tinkering Unlimited as they prepare to work with young learners to harness wind’s invisible power through discovering where it comes from and how to predict its behavior while studying aerodynamics and lift. Through tinkering with wind-powered machines and vehicles, such as a paragliding wing, turbines…

Tinkering School: Day 8

Go cart design, assembly and testing by the inimitable Team Tinker with snippets of boat model design and other moments of singular, whimsical tinkering mastery. Thanks to Moby for his song, Porcelain.

Down to the River

As I mentioned earlier, last weekend I went down to the river with a bunch of gear to help Dan Huiting shoot a music video featuring Charlie Parr for City of Music and the video is premiering this coming Monday on the site. See more stills from the shoot and read the article in City…

Charlie Parr

I had the distinct pleasure of spending this morning down by the Mississippi River with Charlie Parr, shooting a video for City of Music with Dan Huiting, Chris Cloud, Dave Hannigan and the rest of the crew. He’s such a good spirit and talented musician. Amidst such a perfect backdrop for his sound, the…

10 Second Film Festival: Sticks

A pal was kind enough to capture some of the reaction to ‘Sticks‘ at the Soap Factory’s 10 Second Film Festival on July 4th, 2010 in downtown Minneapolis, including the award for Best Documentary and praise it received from the local celebrity judges and HUGE crowd. Thanks to the Soap Factory and! touch here…