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Judge Rules Against Deep-Linking of Content
Posted by Zonk on Friday December 22, @04:35PM
from the this-makes-a-lot-of-sense-honest dept.
The Internet The Courts
An anonymous reader writes “A Texas judge has ruled that, if a copyright owner objects to the linking of content from another web site, that link must be taken down. This case, which may have some far-reaching implications, centered around a motorcross website. The site, run by a Robert Davis, provided links directly to live feeds of ‘Supercross’ events streaming from the SFX Motor Sports site. The company filed suit, claiming that the direct links were denying it advertising revenue. The article sites previous cases, where sites were prohibited by judges from linking to files which violated copyright law (such as DVD decryption software). From the article: ‘But in those lawsuits, the file that was the target of the hyperlink actually violated copyright law. What’s unusual in the SFX case is that a copyright holder is trying to prohibit a direct link to its own Web site. (There is no evidence that SFX tried technical countermeasures, such as referrer logging and blocking anyone coming from Davis’ site.)'”