The Dark Web Is An Onion

The Internet everyday people know through Google and Bing is less than 20% of the total number of sites that exist on the Internet. What is the Dark Web, anyway?

DoH + PiHole = Better Privacy?

Until companies design products and services with them in mind, the work of protecting our privacy and security falls on consumers like you and I.

Grace Hopper on Letterman

Some heavy gratitude to John Feminella (@jxxf), Jeff Roberson (@jeffroberson), and @snipeyhead for sharing their inspiring conversation via twitter today that turned me onto this incredible clip.

Speaking of Hackers

I may not like the stigma but suppose it’s time to admit to myself that, yeah, I’ve been a hacker for as long as I can remember.

What’s a ‘botnet’?

Robot networks or botnets have quickly grown in popularity among criminals. Here’s why and what you can do about it.


Is it a tough debate that rituals have not been affected by recent changes in our modern age? Do many people spend more time alone with machines than in the company of others? Have machines conversely opened doors to more rituals for more people? Are the new rituals, such as sitting together at a restaurant…

Amazing Grace Hopper

Grace Murray Hopper was born on December 9, 1906. Before she passed away on January 1, 1992, “Amazing Grace” made significant contributions to the way we use computers today. The Hour of Code, a part of Computer Science Education Week, is held in her honor each year. Grace was a pioneering American computer scientist who…