Learning Not Alone

lonely_treeOne of my interests is instructional design. I think this is primarily due to being subjected to training and other instructional situations that left me feeling not empowered and confident but muscled around, confused and sometimes even empty.

I find that I am influenced by the most unlikely sources, which I incorporate into my own philosophy on-the-fly. I don’t often write about this philosophy, in part because of that philosophy. Some of the best thinkers did not write theirs down. They require face-to-face communication, less they be misinterpreted.

Online communities, on the other hand, allow for this writing down of ideas in real-time, in a conversational style with real people who are listening on the other end of the *line*.

Thus, I find myself more comfortable sharing it as appropriate via those channels. The social networks are a boon for people like me looking to learn and share with others on opposite sides of the world in a streaming, non-linear way that email and related technologies haven’t [up to this point] been able to do.

And this small piece I share here today. I found this bit while I was working in Barcelona earlier this year, published by Google and it made a nice impression on me only because, as I read it, it was clear to me how I was already somehow aware of and putting their tenets to work in my own small corner of the world. Finding the like-minded is one of the best things that can happen. If for no other reason than it makes me feel less lonely.

Thanks for sharing it: Learning Objects and Instructional Design
By Alex Koohang, Keith Harman, Informing Science Institute
