48 Hour Film Project

48 Hour Film Project - Minneapolis

This past weekend some pals and I made our first film for the 48 Hour Film Project here in Minneapolis where a whopping 85 teams competed!

Here’s how it works:

Last Friday evening at 7pm each of the 85 teams drew a genre out of a hat, along with a character, prop and line of dialog. Then, the clock starts ticking as each team has 48 hours to script, storyboard, shoot, edit, et al a film between 4 and 7 minutes long before turning it in on Sunday at 7pm.

My team, GOAL!FiLMS, drew the genre : DRAMA
The other elements are as follows:
character : Jason or Jill Meyers [who happens to be a veterinarian]
prop : portable music player
line of dialog : “They will get them if we let them.”

opens on the big screen this Thursday at the Riverview Theater at 9pm.

The teams’ films are running all week with two showings each on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and next Monday nights.

If you’d like to watch the film, click here.

Meanwhile, may the film gods continue to smile on you!


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