Is that you, Joshua?

How good does it feel to know there are smart and, yes, successful people out there doing things for a greater good?

Take Joshua Silver, for instance, who’s got all the credentials any mofo might need to be a big, selfish dick but instead has made it his goal to deliver affordable corrective lenses to those who have lived without them for far too long.

The glasses aren’t all that pretty yet, but they will improve quickly especially as word gets around about these self-adjusting lenses that can be filled with more or less liquid to fine-tune focus for a broad range of people. To read more about it, click on the image above.

Tonight, I raise my glass to you, Joshua.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. freeryan says:

    affordable, and oh so attractive.

  2. Jerry Baker says:

    This is a good post, Chad. Very timely and inspiring. Jerry

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