Lewis and Clarke couldn’t have dreamed

newfangled device

Pavion’s KCN 9000 handheld looks more like a PMP than a GPS unit, which is no doubt exactly what Pavion wants you to think, touting the device’s audio and video capabilities as much as it’s navigation functions. Alongside a SiRF Star III GPS module, the Windows CE-based device packs a 300 MHz Atlas 2 processor, 64MB of RAM, and 32MB of ROM behind a 3.5-inch QVGA screen, with storage coming in the form of an SD card slot (an SD card appears to be included but Pavion doesn’t say what size). Interestingly, Pavion also lists the device as having an AV in port, which can presumably be used for recording, although the company doesn’t explicitly say as much. It’s also not spilling any deets on a price or release date.

It wasn’t that long ago that we first discovered fire.

We’ve come a long way, baby. Or so it would seem, aye?


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