Life, Nematodes, and Zero Effect

I agree with anyone who says Zero Effect is one of the greatest existential movies ever made, if only because of a single line…

Mice as Malware

Experienced ID theft or fraud? Here’s what you need to know.

Dark Patterns

Dark Patterns are design tricks used to exploit typical human behavior. Here’s what you need to know.

The Power of Lists

Like making lists? Me, too. My lists may not be traditional but still serve a cool purpose.

Impervious to Change

Work looks the same as play today. Hard to tell if you’re on Insta or looking at spreadsheets accounting just sent over.

TAG, you’re it

Yesterday was a big deal, celebrated quietly only inside my heart.

Oh, honey!

Since becoming a grown-up, there are many things about childhood I remember fondly. One thing I was happy to forget about forever was allergies.

What’s a ‘botnet’?

Robot networks or botnets have quickly grown in popularity among criminals. Here’s why and what you can do about it.

Time, time, time.

One of the most important things we all learn as consultants is how to value our time.

More Gratitude for Postman and McLuhan

Neil Postman (March 8, 1931 – October 5, 2003) was an American author, media theorist and cultural critic, who was associated with NYU for forty years. He wrote countless articles, papers and seventeen books. Though my personal favorite is Teaching as a Subversive Activity, Neil is best known for his 1985 book about television, Amusing…

DIY vs. DIT – Part II

The first part of this post built an analogy, that centralization is like DIY (Do-it-Yourself) and decentralization is like DIT (Do-it-Together).

If we can agree on that analogy, simply for the sake of conversation, then we can take it a step further by looking through that lens into some specific contexts where this approach can add value to our efforts by breaking down our silos.